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Monday, April 11, 2011

current happenings

another blog that I am stealing, but it looks like fun =)

Current Book: right now I'm in between books, I just finished Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol' and loved it. I'm really picky about what I read so if you have any suggestions please send them my way and I will check it out! What I have been currently reading however is a TON of baby info =) I love right now.

Current Playlist: Currently I have had Airplanes by BoB featuring Hayley from Paramore stuck on replay.. not sure why but I just love it so much right now.

Current Color: my fingernails I usually leave a clear coat of Nail Envy by O.P.I., but my toenails always have my favorite nail lacquer of Lincoln Park After Dark by O.P.I.

Current Drink: well, being pregnant I don't have a lot of variation, usually water, gatorade or milk is what I stick to.. every now and then I'll have a soda but I'm trying to stay away from caffeine

Current Food: just had my nightly snack, this time a Clif Bar, so I can take my prenatal vitamin

Current Favorite Show: I have a hard time picking just one... Nurse Jackie and United States of Tara just kicked off their new seasons so I'm pretty hooked on those, and I've recently become intrigued by Swamp People on the History Channel, though I'm not sure why yet lol

Current Wishlist: that we have a healthy baby, that I have a fun and safe trip home, that my husband stays safe while in training for his deployment

Current Needs: additional money is always nice for the family but I don't really feel like I'm in need of anything right now.. maybe some maternity clothes haha!

Current Triumphs: that I've been able to put aside a part of me that has been so destructive in my life for so many years... that I've created a home for my husband and myself that is cozy and comfortable to live in...

Current Bane(s) of My Existence: my husband, the thought of our little nugget growing so fast in me right now, getting anxious to feel baby kick for the first time and to have a real belly, to get home for my little vacation lol

Current Celebrity Crush: umm not real sure, but Johnny Depp has always been on my top 5 =)

Current Blessings: my family, my husband, that I was able to get pregnant (little nugget is included in this), my friends

Current Indulgence: I can't seem to stay away from nutty bars lately lol it's getting frustrating because I need to be eating healthier than I have been the last few days

Current Outfit: my fluffy pink robe I always wear after I shower.. soo soft and comfy

Current Excitement: I have a life growing inside of me right now! and I get to go home Wednesday to see my friends and family <3

Current Mood: tired and anxious and relieved I finally got to talk to my husband tonight...